We believe that the world was created by God from nothing and not by evolution.
We believe that God created the first human couple Adam and Eve sinless.
We believe that Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s law and brought sin into the world, for “Through one man, sin entered into the world, and through sin, death.”
We believe that despite Adam’s and Eve’s sin, God used His grace toward them and saved them and their descendants through Jesus Christ.
We believe that only those who believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Personal Savior will be saved. We believe that those who refuse to accept the Lord Jesus Christ for the personal Savior will be damned and condemned to spend their eternity alive in hell.
We believe that all believers in Christ must be soul winners in order to bring the unsaved into the kingdom of God.
We believe in the local and the universal Church of God throughout the world, and that all who believe in Christ are Christians: brothers and sisters.
We believe in the Second Coming of Christ into this world to bring the great tribulation upon the wicked and to establish His kingdom on earth.
We believe that the believers must live a sanctified life in order to inherit the kingdom of God.
We believe that the practice of love for one another among the Christians is the key to please God and enter the kingdom of God.