Widows & Orphans
James 1:22 – Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Life in Haiti gives a lot of opportunity for the church to put “pure and undefiled religion” into action. Poverty and lack of social services leave many at the mercy of the church. And the churches of Independent Christian Alliance are not excluded.
Pastor Andre and the ICA have both an orphanage at the main church facility and a “widows’ house” between the church and mission house/office. A generous supporter in Canada gave money for the purchase and building of a compound for widows – small one-room units in which they can be safe from danger and the elements. Still they are dependent on the generosity of others (mainly supporters from North America) to have food and meet medical needs.
Martha Major, pastor’s wife from Kansas (now retired in West Virginia), developed a burden for the widows during her first visit to Haiti and began a program of teaching the widows various crafts that would enable them to make items that she would then take back to the States and sell for them through churches and craft shows. 100% of the profits from the sales would then be sent back to the widows with Martha absorbing any of the costs of materials or advertising. The widows have been very thankful for her generosity and enabling them to have a source of income from things that they themselves can produce. She has taught them to weave rugs, to create jewelry and necklaces, to sew small purses and microwave potholder bowls. She can be contacted at 68 Talbott Avenue, Martinsburg, WV 25405 if anyone would like more information on this ministry to the widows.
The Widows
Haiti does not have a welfare program even for the needy. So, the poor widows have a hard time to survive hunger and famine. It is why the Haitian Churches are filled up with miserable women who are living in the most poverty stricken conditions. This brings them to try to help the latter ones as much as they can. The Independence Christian Alliance Church is so compelled to start a widow home where it takes some women to whom it provides shelter, food and pays doctor prescriptions for them. This program is very limited, for we hardly have support for the widows. Some of them come to the place with their children for whom they cannot provide. It takes US $25 to support a widow for a month.
Anyone who wants to support a widow will be very much appreciated, for he/she will be involved in a very great ministry of the Lord who commands us to provide for the orphans, the strangers and the widows.